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Recruitment in SITAR

Society for Integrated Circuit Technology and Applied Research
(A Government of India Society)
Advt. No. 01/2011

Applications are invited from the all eligible candidates in Society for Integrated Circuit Technology and Applied Research (SITAR), Bangalore, a Government of India Society, involved in the production and manufacture of Silicon based Application Specific Integrated Circuits for the Electronic Industry for the vacant posts of various Technical and Non-technical posts and the details are:
1)      Name of Posts: SENIOR ENGINEER.
a)      No. of Posts: 4 (01 Post – Reserved for ST and 03 Posts – Unreserved)
b)      Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100 (PB No.3) Grade Pay Rs. 5400 Gross pay P.M. at minimum of the scale: Rs. 30,450/- + HRA, Transport Allowance etc.
2)      Name of Posts: FINANCE OFFICER.
a)      No. of Posts: 01 Post - Unreserved
b)      Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100 (PB No.3) Grade Pay Rs. 5400 Gross pay P.M. at minimum of the scale:   Rs. 30,450/- + HRA, Transport Allowance etc.
3)      Name of Posts: SECURITY OFFICER.
a)      No. of Posts: 01 Post - Unreserved
b)      Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100 (PB No.3)Grade Pay Rs. 5400 Gross pay P.M. at minimum of the scale:   Rs. 30,450/- + HRA, Transport Allowance etc.
N.B.: Last Date for Submission of Application form: 06.03.2011
For more information please visit the official site. CLICK HERE

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